The Mechanicals
- August 11
- 6:30 pm
- The Flower Fields

The Mechanicals
Long-time campers at Camp Bobindaweeds are asked to play an eclectic group of amateur actors in A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. Not only do they learn how to perform Shakespeare, they find out how to follow their dreams and fall in love.
Join The Stagedoor Academy (New Village Art’s professional actor training program for teens and young adults with neurodiversity) for a special summer performance.
Matthew/Lion: Max Lecanu-Fayet Melissa/Wall: Stephanie Monis
Adam/Mr. Stamppe: Paul Eddy Lily: Piper Haskett
Vincent/Pyramus: Reid Moriarty Anderson/Thisby: Alfredo Verde
Kate/Moonshine: Rachel Ford Jonathan/Peter Quince: Brendan Kerr
William/Puck: Liam Porter Ray/Ray the Rapper: Kenton Makings
Jeff/Foley: Ethan Marr Connor/Fairy 1: Corbin Barrows
Kyle/Fairy 2: Jacob Brown