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Become an Artist Advocate with NVA

New Village Arts’ new Artist Advocate Sponsorship Program allows you to directly support the most important aspect of our productions: the artists themselves. We pride ourselves on our diverse, talented village of collaborators, and your support can help NVA continue to secure the most exciting artists currently working in Southern California. 

NVA is a professional theatre, which means all artists who contribute to our productions are paid for their work. By becoming an Artist Advocate, you are showcasing your commitment to the arts, and your sponsorship recognizes the incredible work of these dedicated artists. 

In addition to the General Donor Benefits at the appropriate donor level, Artist Advocates receive these benefits in accompaniment of your gift:

  • Your name in the show program next to your artist’s name
  • An invitation to the cast dinner on the final, closing weekend of the run
  • A behind-the-scenes tour of the theatre for two
  • A show poster or photograph signed by the cast & crew
  • A sneak peek invitation for two to the sponsored production
  • Two complimentary tickets to opening night of the production
$15,000 for Musicals | $10,000 for Plays

Each production at NVA demands the skill and creativity of many different artists and technicians. Production Advocates support all areas of the production, and receive above-the-line recognition for their generous support of NVA programming.


New Village Arts was founded as an ensemble company, and that sense of community and inclusion remains a core principle of NVA’s vision. Ensemble Advocates are recognized as supporting NVA’s community-focused approach to art-making.


Each play and musical springs from the playwright’s imagination. The characters, conflicts, and creativity of each production starts with the playwright. Playwright Advocates assist in the support of established playwrights, or in the case of new works, support exciting new voices in our space.


Though you may rarely notice their work, it is the director who oversees all aspects of the production. They coordinate the designers and work directly with the actors to develop a unique and satisfying production. Their work starts months before opening night, and though you may not see it, it is their imagination that is put on stage for audiences to enjoy. Celebrate their dedication and their exhaustive work by becoming a Director Advocate.


Your donation will help support the salary of an actor of your choice. Whether they make you laugh or cry, our actors are the lifeblood of our theatre. NVA was founded by performers, and you can honor their work with your sponsorship.


The designers are the ones to translate the director’s vision into something tangible on stage. They are responsible for the lights, sound, props, scenery, and imagery. From the simplest stagings to the most outlandish, the designers work tirelessly into the early morning hours to create unforgettable images and exciting sounds. As a Designer Advocate, you are helping balance the creative and practical needs of our productions.

Please complete the form below if you are interested in becoming an Artist Advocate for our Upcoming Production of

Do you have another way you’d like to contribute?

Contact Bre Eugenio to discuss sponsorship opportunities.