The two-character show explores Bernstein’s relationship with New York City; his famous New York friends such as Stephen Sondheim, Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Jerome Robbins, and Aaron Copland; and the impact that New York had on Bernstein’s music, life and relationships.
“A thrilling tribute to Bernstein conceived by the conductor, pianist and music-theater scholar Rob Fisher.” – Stephen Holden, The New York Times
Music by Leonard Bernstein
Lyrics by Betty Comden, Adolph Green, Stephen Sondheim, and Leonard Bernstein
Conceived and Arranged by Rob Fisher
Book by Rob Fisher, Sammy Buck, and Garth Edwin Sunderland
Directed by Kristianne Kurner
Music Direction by Van Angelo
Choreography by Jenna Ingrassia Knox
Featuring Johnisa Breault and Trevor Rex
Previews: June 29 – 30
Opening Night: July 1
Runs- July 3 – 31