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Thank you for attending the show! 

Please provide your feedback for

Written by Jez Butterworth
Directed by Kristianne Kurner


How did you hear about the show?

How many people were in your party?
Do you prefer to purchase single tickets or a season subscription?
How many performances have you attended at New Village Arts in the last two years?
How did this production rate, compared to other plays you've seen at NVA? (If this was first time at NVA, how does it compare to other shows you've recently seen elsewhere?)
What do you look for in a theatre experience?
What do you look for in a theatre experience?
Overall, how would you rate the service you received from the staff at New Village Arts?
Please rate your experience accessing this performance in terms of purchasing tickets, email reminders, directions, etc.
Overall, how would you rate your experience?
Are you or a member of your party a member of the armed forces?
What is your race or ethnicity?

What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Which most closely describes your gender?
Which most closely describes you?
Which most closely describes you?