Thank you for attending the show! Please provide your feedback for Written by Jez Butterworth Directed by Kristianne Kurner PLEASE FILL OUT THE SURVEY: How did you hear about the show? Proud Season Subscriber! Email from NVA Online review Online social networking site (Facebook, Instagram, Yelp) Walking by the theatre Poster or flier in another place of business NVA Season brochure Online ticket seller (Goldstar, ArtsTix) Invited by cast or crew member Word of mouth Radio Ad (please specify station in box below) Print Publication Ad (please specify publication in box below) Other How many people were in your party? 1 2 3 4 5 6+ Do you prefer to purchase single tickets or a season subscription? Single Tickets Subscription How many performances have you attended at New Village Arts in the last two years? This was my first time! 2-3 performances 4-5 performances More than 5 performances How did this production rate, compared to other plays you've seen at NVA? (If this was first time at NVA, how does it compare to other shows you've recently seen elsewhere?) It was one of the best. It was very good. It was average. It wasn’t very good. It was one of my least favorite performances. What do you look for in a theatre experience? An escape from stress A new adventure A meaningful connection to others A window into the lives of people different from me A challenge HiddenWhat do you look for in a theatre experience? An escape from stress A new adventure A meaningful connection to others A window into the lives of people different from me A challenge A fun time Overall, how would you rate the service you received from the staff at New Village Arts? Excellent Good Poor Fair Exceptional Did you dine anywhere in Carlsbad before or after the show? If yes, please mention. Please rate your experience accessing this performance in terms of purchasing tickets, email reminders, directions, etc. The process was straightforward and directions were very clear. The process was somewhat clear and directions were sufficient. The process was confusing and directions were unclear. Overall, how would you rate your experience? Excellent Good Poor Fair Is there anything you would like to share about your experience? What is your age? Are you or a member of your party a member of the armed forces? Yes, active duty Yes, retired No Decline to answer What is your race or ethnicity? Asian Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Middle Eastern or North African Multiracial or Multiethnic Native American or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander White Prefer not to answer Other What is the highest level of education you have completed? Associate’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Doctorate High School Master’s Degree Trade or Certificate Program Other Which most closely describes your gender? Female Male Non-binary Other Decline to answer Which most closely describes you? I am a member of the LGBTQ+ community. I am not a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Decline to answer Which most closely describes you? I am transgender. I am cisgender (not transgender). Decline to answer. In what ZIP code is your home located? (enter 5-digit ZIP code) Please give us one sentence that sums up your experience with this performance. If we have your permission to use it for marketing purposes, please leave your first name and last initial (Mary B).Please leave your email address if you would like us to contact you regarding your answers to this survey.